Our Impact
“It takes a community to raise a child” and as such we have adopted a practical approach to supporting familes that are struggling to find balance. We provide vocational training are requesting support through the to youth who are vulnerable to the influence of gangs and criminality by runing vocational programs designed to introduce novices to subjects such as Photography Masterclass, Music mentoring, Cyber awareness & Information security for beginners, Fashion and design, the priciples of self defence and many more these subjects are delivered by a team professionals in thier fields to help enhance the Crown Boys learning experience. The ethos of Crown Boys Mentoring is maintaining excellence in service and is achieved through continual development, innovation and collaboration with local authority Boroughs in the UK to develop better and youth provision.
The objectives of Crown Boys Mentoring CIC is:
1. To provide fatherless boys with mentoring, guidance and support which would equip them with valuable life tools they would need throughout the rest of their teenage/younger years and into adulthood.
2. To develop leadership potential in young people who already have this quality, but need guidance on how to develop. Enabling them to become peer mentors to other vulnerable youth groups.
3. To provide training to youth enrolled in the programme that will ensure that they are seen as an asset to society, contributing positively to their community, school, household and to their generation on the whole.
4. To redirect the attention of those youth who are already have some exposure to Gang culture and Criminal association by providing support and some measure intervention assistance where necessary.
5. To provide a number of relevant training programs throughout the year to enable them to have basic knowledge in a subject prior to engaging on access courses at Colleges and Universities.
Annual cost of YOI Imprisonment
Learner stats:
The cost per learner is be broken down as followers to further articulate the cost effective advantages of our proposed project
It is estimated that in the event any young person (YOI) serving a custodial sentence is averaged at approximately.
In 2021 it cost £44,640 per year, over £2,053 per month which is hard hitting on the public purse.
We intend to provide this course 3 – 4 times per year with the view to engage approximately 70/80 learners for 2022/2023.
As the proposed course grows in stature and popularity we aim to provide this service to other youth service providers throughout London and neighbouring boroughs.
To further highlight this issue please see below an article reviewed from the Howard League 2013-2014.
•The average annual cost per prisoner place for 2013–14 was £33,153, excluding capital charges, exceptional compensation claims and the cost of the escort contract. This is an increase of £1,227 on the previous year and has grown steadily over the years.
•Hugh Monro, former Chief Inspector of Prisons for Scotland, has stated that “Securing children, young offenders or prisoners is not a cheap option ... the cost of keeping a child in a Secure Unit can be as high as £250k per annum.
The collective learner hours we propose investing in the young people training is in excess of 7700 hours which equates to a fraction of the cost
Crown Boys Mentoring CIC :
We provide a voluntary Mentoring service to very specifically challenged young people referred to us who are in need of the influence of positive male support and role models. The foundation of our teaching is based on providing effective vocational life skills and support for them within the family.